Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have got a big fat positive! My beta is 775. That is a great number. Hubby and I are over the moon excited. We are so looking forward.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

And the waiting continues...

Today is my 9dpt. At this stage, I am much more calmer than I expected. Nevertheless, there are butterflies fluttering in the tummy. I am so tempted to cheat and take a HPT before the betaHCG blood test. Check on my HPT kit and it has already expired! Darn. Keeping fingers crossed and am hoping for a BFP on Monday. From now till then will be a test of my sanity and patience (and with my emotional roller coaster outburst, I think I am also driving hubs up the wall).

On the other note, MIL brought over 4 fresh kampung chicken for some added nutritional value in my diet. Hubs and I made some herbal chicken soup in the crock pot and it was delish! Mum is gonna make me some homemade chicken essence. I am looking forward. If you still can't tell, yes I am a glutton...

I havent being doing much around the house. Except eat, sleep, watch tv and Facebook (I actually won quite a few medals in Farmville over this couple of days...hahaha). Hubby is taking over the house chores and LOL ...also maintaining my Farmville when I rest. He is a keeper!

Friday, April 9, 2010

2 Weeks Wait

This is going to be the longest 2 weeks of my life!
Anxiety is nerve wrecking. Hubby has been so supportive and such a darling. This man really surprises me sometimes.... in a good way :D
Will be back soon.